My dreams, journey, adventure, challenges, opportunities and rewards through the world of eBusiness, internet marketing, blogging, blogs, SEO, search engines, website creation, shopping cart, payment gateway, Google AdSense, Google AdWords and anything else connected with cyberspace.
My journey, adventure and challenges, opportunity, learning and rewards in the world of eBusiness, internet marketing, online shopping, blogging, blogs, SEO, search engines, affiliate programs, drop-shipping, web-design tips, payment gateway, google adsense, google adwords, search engine directories
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Social Networking has taken a twist. Social networking has mostly been about getting-to-know people, dating and networking on common interests.
Languages have been such a common barrier to many things including social networking. Now imagine. You can use this weakness and convert it into a learning experience for you. There is a social network that is enabler in connecting language learners from all over the world.
Imagine being able to have a platform to for you to buddy-up with a total stranger whom you wish to learn a new language or dialect. If you speak English and you any want to learn Mandarin, this great social networking platform actually bring you and the other person together so that the two can learn the desired languages off each other. What a great idea!!
This social network service offers an audio video based flash chat in addition to an email inbox, language videos, language learning screensavers and weekly matches so that learning of the languages are empowered and fun. Best of all this platform is FREE!!
Now - there is no more excuse for you to learn a new language from a new buddy whom can be your mentor, coach, friend and soul-mate and yet at the same time, have a splendid fun experience. And likewise you to the buddy or better still, buddies. Wonderful stuff. What more can you ask for?
I'm back!! I've not been away. It's just that I'd been so much engrossed in gaining practical experience related to Internet marketing for the past 2 weeks. I've also been busy setting up some Online products that I'd to sacrifice some time.
Never mind that. That was in the past. I'm back.
And this time, I have set up another more sleek Resource Center for Internet Marketing. It's named University For Internet Marketing. You'll have to check it out. This resource center will be the place where I'm going to be doing all the posts. There is plenty of interesting articles there; all about Internet marketing and doing business Online.
It is now just over 10 months since I have embarked on this journey of mine into cyberspace. For many individuals, these 10 months were far too long. That journey might be very lonely and frustrating. It could be extremely disheartening especially if the key objective was to make instant money online.
For me, these 10 months have been a roller coaster of thrills, fun, new friendship, burning candles, loneliness, reading like I never did before, blogging and lots more excitement.
Regrets? Yes, I have a few. And all to be viewed by me personally as a learning curve. I will share these regrets later part of this article. In so doing, I the hope that if you will avoid the pitfalls during along your path if you were also taking on a cyberspace journey like I am.
There are too many lessons. I will shared some here now and keep some for later. Well, here I go.
Learning #1 - There is no such thing as Instant Success!! Forget the promises most speakers and organizers made of their workshops and seminars. They are just marketers, and very good ones too. They play on our lack of knowledge and momentarily, of our weakness to believe in anything.Frankly, from my experience of all those whom I know who attended the workshops with me, 95% were disillusioned a month later after completion of their course. Enthusiasm and hope are absolutely fast diminishing phenomenons. Most of such workshops are too superficial and general in provision of necessary knowledge for individuals to gain enough confidence for a breakthrough over the threshold to gain a glimmer of light of hope and maintain that enthusiasm.
Learning #2 - Such workshops are mostly very expensive and does not equate to the promised value a participant is able derived from it. For certain, my first workshop looking hindsight is far too expensive. On the contrary, the recent Stephen Pierce Event that I participated was great value for money. However, that Event was meant more for those who are familiar with some basics and jargons related to Internet Marketing . For those who have not attended a workshop, I recommend that you research forums and ask people who had attended before, the quality of promises. Never jump into a decision immediately without doing this research. There is not hurry, really.
Learning #3 - Assuming you have attended a quality workshop, what immediately need to be done, if to form a small support group amongst the participants whom you are comfortable with. These individuals must share the same passion and are able to sacrifice time for the journey. Time is certainly a resource to success. Many have too many excuses and reasons for not having enough time. Most importantly and most preferred, each member of the group share more or less a similar level of Internet savvy competency. Finally, strong Positive energy amongst members to drive the group to its Internet Marketing success.
I have a group since the end of my 1st ever workshop on Internet Marketing. A great group of individuals whom over time I get to know and respect. We have since met almost once every week. At the beginning, we met online once over Skype and once face-to-face. At stages, a couple of members came and went. Now, this group of ebizwizards are solidly determined and gung-ho to make dreams come true. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of these ebizwizards for their support and belief in me.
Jang Bok Jae Joseph Yap Sonny Thoo Phileas Kong Vas Chang Heng Fook Anrhony Fred Kelvin Kau - a new ebizwizard since October 11 and a very old friend of mine determined to get involved with online marketing
Lesson #4 - Commit to Action immediately. Never leave things undone. Procrastination merely dilute your dreams. The longer you put away taking the baby steps, the more likely you are going to put on hold your dreams. Your negative mind and other around you will always distracted you away from your goal. Once you are set to chase your dreams in Internet Marketing, let that passion build up. Fire up yourself constantly. Take action consistently and persevere. Never give up even though the journey could be very lonely and testing. Gather, gain knowledge and speed . Spend a committed certain amount of time daily in front of your computer, in pursuit of your first dollar. Once you can get the first dollar, go forward can get the next few dollars. The journey gets absolutely interesting and rewarding as you gain momentum in your effort.
I have made a fistful of dollars now. I will do more in due course. And lots more when I break the sound barrier!!
Lesson #5 - For those without a blog, start one up immediately even though you might not have the best writing skills. You get better over time. And most articles need not be very long. You can get tips on creating your blog with Blogger or WordPress on Chapter 1, 2 & 3 of this current blog site you are reading. Writing and visit blogs written by others. By seeing what others do, you will be able to get ides how you can design your blog step-by-step as you progress along. Be patient and learn. Once you are able to maneuver around the blog, understand and do a bit of html copying, pasting and editing, getting the hang of writing, you will be getting yourself to be able to explore the do-it-yourself website for your Internet Marketing business. While you are at blogging, build up a relationship with a list of people you met when they come and visit and vice-versa. I have enjoyed this immensely and have got to know some really wonderful people from all over the world. I have picked up some many good things from them in their blogs that they shared. A couple of these friends I have come to know very well although we might not have met. Who says that friendship can be made over long distance and in cyberspace?
Next thing to do is join communities that you have common interests. Also establish a group and invite others who share the same passion to join you.
Lesson #6 - Use your blog to build a list of subscribers. Offer them some suitable and attractive gifts for them when they opt-in to signing up with you. There is a whole video on this List Building and generating traffic to your blog and keeping a database of your valuable visitors on my blog article,"Myths About Making Money Online". The article and video is self-explanatory.
This is the number 1 regret I have on my blog and especially on my teddy bear website. My teddy bear website has thousands of visitors via PPC (Pay Per Click) and yet I did not capture these visitors' names and email addresses. I am now getting it done to my blogs and that website. I am sourcing for suitable gifts to give away and opt-in tools. I have another website, about hair and scalp wellness, that I will also have to do the same.
The above although I mentioned that it something I regretted not doing, it might not really be strictly in my perspective, a regret. It is more a learning and an opportunity for me once I knew I have not been doing it. This knowledge I gained as I prowl the books, other people's blogs, my ebizwizards friend for more knowledge.
Lesson #7 - Start branding yourself. Commence doing this from day 1. This can be a valuable intellectual property that could be worth lots of money in time to come. Got to either or www.godaddycom to check and register your own name. It has to be a .com. Never compromise on this.
I have registered a .com domain name under my very own personal name. I have been using for years as I have found them very reliable. Slightly more expensive and worth it.
Other learnings - Now I learned about Squeeze Page, the importance of article writing and submission to syndication sites, writing a book to gain credibility, how to due ghostwriters, MySpace, methods to generating traffic to your website and blog, keywords, SEO, niche marketing online, what is html and how to do simple editing, eBay, Per Per Post, affiliate marketing, drop-shipping, opt-in tools, web-creation and design, photoshop tools for photo editing, video editing, and lots lots more.
Just imagine. Prior to 10 months ago, I didn't know any of these terms, let alone working on these tools. Great wonderful stuff. And my friendship list is getting longer. I am enjoying every minute of it.
Best of all, it is never too later to start. I am 52, I am certain that I am miles apart from some young individuals who are still in the dark about Marketing Online and Blog Monetization. :-)
This is all from me for now. More to come later. Meanwhile, visit my websites and blogs.
While you are at my blogs, take time to browse around my buddy list. These are very good blogs that share and offer lots of knowledge and tips about anything, everything.
When you think of the IMPOSSIBLE to make enough money online...think of again. Watch this video. Get your spirit up and NOW, put into action you'd put off; what you thought was impossible, and make it possible. Everything is possible if you put you mind to it. It's only your state of mind.
Wow!! I'm featured in Blogsvertise today. This's where you can make quite a handsome amount of money if you've an active blog. It can be enough money earned for your holiday and perhaps, even extra for pocket-money.
Yes. While you're blogging, you can earn money too!! Another place is PayPerPost. Earn from both places.
"Receive Money in Indonesia & the Philippines. In addition to the existing sending money capabilities and the new withdrawal features, registered members in the Philippines and Indonesia can now receive funds from 190 markets and 17 currencies."
This is on PayPal this morning when I received a mail from them. Now Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Malaysia...when are you going to follow suit. Why always a follower. Can you be a leader for once? With the Multi-Media Super-Corridor vision, many of us would at least would have expected Malaysia to move super fast and be ahead of many others in th region with international payment gateways. There are may prospective Internet marketers in the country. Many successful individuals too for that matter. If only the nation would very quickly open up and nurture these talents. Malaysians can easily lead in this field. Remember "Malaysia Boleh".
What has happened?'s still not too late!! Go for it Malaysia, and let Malaysians do Internet business with the least hassle and in no time, the country will proudly move high up and lead in field of Internet marketing. Search for internet marketing and it's not surprising that Malaysia comes up / rank second on the first page for those keywords in terms of number of searches. That shows Malaysians are active in this area. Also notice the recent amount of interest in gaining knowledge with offers of workshops, courses and seminars relating to this topic.
Hurry Malaysia. Before it's too late. The longer Malaysia decides, it's losing its edge by leaps and bounce to the competition.
There are many of us who have blogs hosted with Blogger. At the same time, many of us who are serious into blogging have also heard about WordPress and the wonderful things WordPress can do. No doubt about it. All you need to do is check out my similar ebizuniversity blog hosted with WordPressand Blogger to know the difference. If you want to have further comparison to go WordPress and Blogger for my Mind Body and Spirit blog.
And it is so simple to migrate from Blogger to WordPress. Nothing scary or to fear at all.
Today is the first of many day to come when I'm going to put up useful links for anyone who is serious about driving traffic and promotion their websites or blogs. These are tips that I managed to pick up from the 4-day Internet Marketing workshop that I mentioned about yesterday. These tips are from international gurus who have been very successful in the field of Internal Marketing. They shared these tips generously and wholeheartedly. I'll share these tips one day at a time so follow me in this blog.
Yesterday, during the workshop, I've subscribed to a 3-month coaching program for List Building (building a list of email addresses for establishing relationships for the Internet Marketing platform). This is the foundation anyone who is interested in Internet Marketing can't do without. The program starts in 2 weeks from today. I'm also going to share that with everyone who visits me and for those who leave me their email address and full name, I'm going to send them the notes I've taken from the workshop. As I progressed with the List Building program, I'm also going to part with them notes taken during my journey.
Here's the first link. For those who have not signed up for MySpace, go immediately now to and register. It's an awesome place where you can generate lots of interest for your blog and website, and huge amount of traffic.
After you've put up your photograph (important) updated your profile (important), the next "must" thing to do is to invite all your friends by sending them each an email. This invitation feature is available in MySpace. Invite no less than 50 friends to start with.
The second step is to then post a blog (important and must do) by going to "post new blog" tab. Write something and "preview & post". If you're happy with the preview, click on "post".
Is Internet Marketing a Craze or is it a Crazy Phenomenon?
For some of us who have been successful, might think the Internet Marketing phenomenon is such a Craze. These people are making so so much money from it. It's unbelievable. In fact, they make it their business to make it a Craze, their passion. These individual started with what they thought were crazy dreams, ideas and making these realities.
Then there are those of us who feel it is a Crazy thing!! Internet Marketing if making them Crazy and causing them to losing sleep over. They thought when their crazy dreams would become real and yet, it has been elusive and have not appeared. Dreams that would give them overnight financial freedom are flying off day-by-day. Sleeplessness, insomnia. Many more days after - still without much sleep, they relented. They view Internet Marketing is such a Crazy thing.
What's the different between the Craze and the Crazy?
Well...I've been attending Stephen Pierce Event over the past 3 days (today is the final day). The one learning I've been reminded of time and time again, is - "Nothing else matters if one doesn't have the Passion for it and the Determination to take Action".
Only then, one will have the Perseverance to go through the long distance of the journey (most time can be lonely) to success. To keep the fire burning constantly and consistently. Along the pathway, people will criticize. One's own mind will have negative self-talk - "You're Crazy". If one doesn't have the strength to persist in the face of such constant challenges, Craziness set in as the first dollar seems to be a million mile away. That dollar getting further and further by the day.
Stephen Pierce's Event can be a dose of medication for those who felt they've seeped into that Crazy state of mind. Go to one of his event on Internet Marketing and be medicated. Mind Body and Spirit. Received heaps of tips, tools, ideas and secrets to support you in these hard journey. Meeting as many people...and talk to them (in this particular event, there are about 600 of us of the same feather and perhaps, different colors). Having done so and if you're still in that feeling of entering a Crazy state of mind, I would suggest that you let the World of Internet Marketing totally alone before you become Crazy and proved all your critics right!! Then you might be so so close and you might not even know it!!
Are you going to fly over the cuckoo's nest or be in it? Your choice!!
As for me, I've make my first dollar. I'm determined to make my first million on the Internet.
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My Sharing Corner
If you approach writing with a teachable attitude, you can learn from many sources.
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