My dreams, journey, adventure, challenges, opportunities and rewards through the world of eBusiness, internet marketing, blogging, blogs, SEO, search engines, website creation, shopping cart, payment gateway, Google AdSense, Google AdWords and anything else connected with cyberspace.
My journey, adventure and challenges, opportunity, learning and rewards in the world of eBusiness, internet marketing, online shopping, blogging, blogs, SEO, search engines, affiliate programs, drop-shipping, web-design tips, payment gateway, google adsense, google adwords, search engine directories
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Now that you have already done your installation of Technorati and claim your blog(s) there as well as submit your blog(s) to Google, Yahoo and MSN as laid down in Chapter 5, the next best thing to do in to install google analytics to your blog(s). You may ask what Google Analytics is. Google Analytics will help you learn even more about where your visitors come from and how they interact with your blog(s) / website. It is a great tool to determine which online marketing strategies and initiatives are cost effective and see how visitors actually interact with your blog(s) / website. It shows you the performance of the steps you take to promote your blog(s) / website. I have found it to be tremendously useful. I recommend you take the following steps below to get going -
3. "Enter your current email address", "choose a password", "re-enter your password" and finally "Accept and create your account"
4. You will receive a message such as the one below in your email inbox. Please do as requested.
Email Verification In order to verify that the email address associated with your account is correct, we have sent an email message to . To activate your Google account, please access your email and click on the link provided. Click here to continue.
5. You will receive in your email inbox a message that appeared like this -
Welcome to Google Accounts. To activate your account and verify your e-mail address, please click on the following link: If you have received this mail in error, you do not need to take any action to cancel the account. The account will not be activated, and you will not receive any further emails. If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the URL in a new browser window instead. Thank you for using Google. For questions or concerns regarding your account, please visit the Google Accounts FAQ at This is a post-only mailing. Replies to this message are not monitored or answered.
6. Click on the link and you will be directed to another similar to the one below.
Google Accounts
Email already verified Thank you for verifying your Google account
At this page, sign-in with your "Username" and "password".
tag of each page you are planning to track. If you use a common include or template, you can enter it there. See Example
What if I'm not the person who updates the website? Email the code above and instructions to your technical team or website administrator. Once they have added this tracking code to your website, click 'Check status' from the Analytics Settings page to find out if your website is being tracked and data is being collected.
12. Copy the "html code:". Having done so, go to your blog and follow these steps. Customize > Template > Add Page Element > Add html code / java script.
You will see a box. Paste the html code and then "Save Template".
13. Go to the Google Analytics page as appeared in Step 11 . and click "Done".
Welcome to the new version of Google Analytics! Your new reports have been designed to help you learn even more about your site traffic and marketing initiatives.
The redesigned interface is now the default view. To access it, click "View Reports." We think you'll love the new Google Analytics, however, you can still access the previous reporting interface. To do so, click "Previous Interface" below the "View Reports" link for any profile in your account. Note that your data and configuration settings remain unaffected regardless of which interface you use and your data continues to be tracked in the same way as it was prior to the redesign.
Google Analytics has many new features. Read our blog post, read the FAQs or watch the flash tour to learn more. If you have difficulty finding specific reports in the new interface, you may find the report finder tool to be helpful. FAQs | Take a Tour | Learn More | Report Finder Tool
Number of Filters: 0. Filters can be created to include or exclude certain visits or clicks from your reports, to reconstruct a dynamic URL to be more meaningful when displayed in reports, and more. Learn more.
Helpful Links
15. If the html code has been properly pasted in your blog, the tracking will show "active". Otherwise, it will show "inactive". In the latter case, you will have to re-install the html code as per Step 12.
Step 15. Go to "View Reports" - new beta in the page as per Step 1r4. and you will be shown the various reports. Browse through and in no time you will be familiar with the tools.
Step 16. Google Analytics offer a tremendous amounts of report format and all the information that you will require in knowing how your blog(s) / website is doing. Discover and enjoy the facilitly - all for FREE!! Amazing...
This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service
Page Rank Checker Page Rank Checker is a free tool to check the page rank of any web site easily, without the need to install Google toolbar. This tool also allows you to display the page rank value of your web site right on your web pages.
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This policy is valid from 04 May 2007
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