Malaysia - Why? Move on With It
In addition to the existing sending money capabilities and
the new withdrawal features, registered members in the
Philippines and Indonesia can now receive funds from
190 markets and 17 currencies."
This is on PayPal this morning when I received a mail from them. Now Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Malaysia...when are you going to follow suit. Why always a follower. Can you be a leader for once? With the Multi-Media Super-Corridor vision, many of us would at least would have expected Malaysia to move super fast and be ahead of many others in th region with international payment gateways. There are may prospective Internet marketers in the country. Many successful individuals too for that matter. If only the nation would very quickly open up and nurture these talents. Malaysians can easily lead in this field. Remember "Malaysia Boleh".
What has happened?'s still not too late!! Go for it Malaysia, and let Malaysians do Internet business with the least hassle and in no time, the country will proudly move high up and lead in field of Internet marketing. Search for internet marketing and it's not surprising that Malaysia comes up / rank second on the first page for those keywords in terms of number of searches. That shows Malaysians are active in this area. Also notice the recent amount of interest in gaining knowledge with offers of workshops, courses and seminars relating to this topic.
Hurry Malaysia. Before it's too late. The longer Malaysia decides, it's losing its edge by leaps and bounce to the competition.
Once again....Malaysia Boleh!! Let's go for it...