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Franco Yong

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Showing posts with label Chapter 16 - Build your Space - one of traffic generator tools.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 16 - Build your Space - one of traffic generator tools.. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Chapter 16 - MySpace You Cannot Do Without

Today is the first of many day to come when I'm going to put up useful links for anyone who is serious about driving traffic and promotion their websites or blogs. These are tips that I managed to pick up from the 4-day Internet Marketing workshop that I mentioned about yesterday. These tips are from international gurus who have been very successful in the field of Internal Marketing. They shared these tips generously and wholeheartedly. I'll share these tips one day at a time so follow me in this blog.

Yesterday, during the workshop, I've subscribed to a 3-month coaching program for List Building (building a list of email addresses for establishing relationships for the Internet Marketing platform). This is the foundation anyone who is interested in Internet Marketing can't do without. The program starts in 2 weeks from today. I'm also going to share that with everyone who visits me and for those who leave me their email address and full name, I'm going to send them the notes I've taken from the workshop. As I progressed with the List Building program, I'm also going to part with them notes taken during my journey.

Here's the first link. For those who have not signed up for MySpace, go immediately now to and register. It's an awesome place where you can generate lots of interest for your blog and website, and huge amount of traffic.

After you've put up your photograph (important) updated your profile (important), the next "must" thing to do is to invite all your friends by sending them each an email. This invitation feature is available in MySpace. Invite no less than 50 friends to start with.

The second step is to then post a blog (important and must do) by going to "post new blog" tab. Write something and "preview & post". If you're happy with the preview, click on "post".


More on MySpace in my future posts.

Oh...remember me!! Invite me to your MySpace. I look forward to be part of your Space.